
a)   Unemployment

Unemployment insurance is a typical employee insurance, which is financed in equal parts by the employee and the employer (total 2.20%).  The contributions are determined by the underlying salary, whereby a deduction of 1.10% will be made (1.10% employer and 1.10% employee). The maximum insured salary is CHF 148,200 .00 per year. From a salary of CHF 148,200.00, a contribution of 1.00% is levied (0.50% employer and 0.50% employee).

  • is wholly or partially unemployed,
  • suffered a compensable work loss,
  • lives in Switzerland,
  • the mandatory education period is completed and neither the retirement age for the old age and survivors insurance has been reached or can be drawn,
  • has completed the contribution period or is exempt from the obligation to contribute and
  • is deemed being able to be recruited, as well as complies with the control conditions.

Certain risks are covered by unemployment, which is of great importance for SMEs (small and medium sized enterprises). Short time compensation and bad-weather allowances are included in the scope of the coverage.

Next, and of considerable importance for SMEs is that whoever founds a public company / limited liability company and functions in the role of the CEO or is the highest board member for their own company, is deemed as not being self-employed for the purposes of social security.  This leads to the problem that as long as the company is not liquidated, no claim for unemployment compensation or short time compensation can be made.  To establish a claim, the company must either be liquidated or the insured person is encouraged to give up his management responsibilities.

b)    Health Insurance

For health care, we speak of a so-called National Insurance. There is a compulsory insurance for all persons residing in Switzerland.

The health insurance company may be chosen freely because the basic insurance for all health insurances provides the same coverage as defined by law.  Therefore, it is recommended to obtain various offers for the premiums and, at least in the mandatory area, to select the one that is most cost-effective.

Besides the mandatory part, there is also a non-obligatory portion (SGA). In addition to the basic coverage, additional, supplementary risks can be insured.  The services and insurable risks are different depending on the health insurance. For example, the area alternative treatments can be covered or among many other things, the free choice of hospital. Additional insurances (according to SGA) can be taken out independently of the basic health insurance with any insurer.  Therefore, it is conceivable that a person has basic health insurance with Health Insurance Company A, his additional insurance (SGA) however is with Health Insurance Company B.  Even for supplemental insurance, it is advisable to request multiple quotes and to select the most attractive offer.

c)    Sick Pay Insurance

The daily sick pay insurance should cover the loss of wages due to disability resulting from an accident, illness or maternity.  Most employees are already adequately covered by the company against the threat of lost wages.

The daily allowance is agreed upon between the insurer and the policyholders.  The claim can be made from the third day after the sickness starts, whereby the insured must be deemed at least half-incapable of working.  The beginning of the benefits can be postponed in order to lower premiums accordingly. The sick pay insurance must not be taken out with same insurer as the health insurance. If sickness exists when the insurance is taken out, the right to exclude these may be reserved. This exclusion right, however, expires by no later than 5 years thereafter.

d)    Military insurance

The military health insurance takes effect for damage to health that may occur during military service. Persons who are in military or civilian service are covered.  The federal government covers the large majority of costs.

e)    Maternity insurance (MuV)

The maternity insurance pays funds to women who were employed before the birth of their child. They are entitled to this from the day of birth forward. The benefit is paid for a maximum of 98 days but ends early if the mother resumes her employment earlier than expected.  The benefits are aligned to 80% of the average earnings before the birth with the maximum being CHF 172.00 per day, which may not be exceeded.

f)     Family allowances

The current regulations on family allowances are regulated both at the federal and cantonal level. Therefore, there can be considerable differences depending on the canton.

The family allowances are financed principally by a percentage deduction from the income.  Many cantons provide for a sole obligation of the employer to make the contribution.  Depending on the canton, participation in the financing by the employee is possible. Self-employed persons principally have no entitlement to family allowances, whereby individual cantons can provide for different rules in this point.

The family allowances are made up of child and education allowances. Child allowances of at least CHF 200.00 per child and education allowances of at least CHF 250.00 per month are provided.